What If...
What if you knew you could never fail...?
what if you knew that the all consuming love you are looking for has been with you all along?
What if you could comprehend your body’s innate intelligence and all that it is capable of?
what if you knew - really really knew that there are no ordinary moments?
What if you knew that you are never alone? You are connected to everything - and anything that you want is only a thought away....
How different would your life be if you really knew all these things?
There is no such thing as Failure... There is only the law of Results!
You perform a certain action in the direction of your goals and if you don’t get the results you want - then you simply try a different approach! If what you are doing is not working then you have to change it, adjust it, improvise it, be flexible, bend, reach out, reach higher! Thomas Edison - made 3000 attempts before he successfully invented the light bulb - but before it happened people laughed at him and called him a failure! His reply simply was - “I haven’t failed - I know 3000 ways in which it wont work! Every wrong attempt discarded is a step forward!” Genius! The only thing that comes close to the idea of “failing” is Not Trying... or Giving Up all together! So march on - your journey isn’t over yet!
The Love of your Life? ... is YOU yourself!
Almost all of humanity thinks they need to meet that perfect soul mate - this love that will find you and make you whole so that you can end your story with a “happily ever after!” You might even be lucky enough to have some exciting hollywood romances in your life, you know the ones that make you stupid happy, smiling for no reason, magic in the air yada yada yada! But how long does it last? Before you fall from the sky and into the abyss of yourself? Starting from scratch and searching all over again? Few enlightened awakened people know and have been teaching these words all along - Love is not something you search for or wait for - It is “Who You Are!” Most people recycle the same relationship issues - move from person to person - first bask in the warmth of the “new” found love - but when that sun sets they find themselves back in the same darkness that they have been running away from all along - lonely even within a relationship! Don’t know what went wrong? Golden words here - when realized will result in a major life shift, change in paradigms, an awakening! "You are forever complete - any partnership you enter in is only to share the love and joy that you already are!" You cannot recognize what a soul “mate” is if you don’t know your own soul? You attract who ‘you’ are - hence any relationship issues you face is a direct reflection of you (& your partner)! You cannot have a promise to an external love unless you take those very sacred vows of love with yourself first! All the love you will ever need flows from you - within you - recognize it, acknowledge it and live it everyday! Lastly love comes in all forms, from all directions - from all kinds of sources! Its always there - everywhere! Wake up to it!
Your Body is the Temple you live in...keep it Sacred!
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison!
Your body is the most miraculous, living breathing, dynamic, infinitely intelligent machine created - for You - so that you may express yourself in the best way you can as a human “being” in this short visit on earth! Good Health is the natural state of our body - to make you thrive is your body’s only job. And all it needs in return from you is a lifestyle that supports its intelligence! Your body will do anything you want it to - its potential is practically limitless! But how many of us really have the awareness of the body that we live in? What it needs? Do we listen when our bodies are talking to us? A few natural laws to live by : - 1.) Your body is 75% water - a diet rich in “water content foods” keeps your body in a thriving state. Make fresh fruits and vegetables the main part of your daily diet! 2.) Your body is not designed to ingest excessive meat, alcohol & processed “junk” food! Such foods vibrate at a very low energy and are toxic to your body! In fact they draw energy away from your body which leads to a state of imbalance and disease. 3.) Stress - is one of the biggest causes of imbalance. Know that there is no stress outside of you - All stress is only “you” having stressful “thoughts”! Meditate! Relaxing and slowing down the mind not only relieves you of stress but helps the energy and the life force in your body flow more efficiently! 4.) Rest and Activity - the 2 dynamics of life - reward yourself with both! Rest when you need to and follow it with intense movement - exercise in any way that you enjoy. Exercise can be a great way for mind - body meditation! 5.) Finally - Respect your body - everyday in every way. How you treat it - what you put in your mouth? How do you fuel your body? Whom do you share your body with? Slow down - be aware of what your body is doing for you day in and day out - be mindful while eating your meals - eat slowly, chew more, stop eating when you are half full - you need less food than you think! Stop eating 3 hours before bed time! And more importantly - LIVE CONSCIOUSLY! - "This is the Only Body You Have!"
There are No Ordinary Moments...
Every tree and plant in the meadow seemed to be dancing, those which average eyes would see as fixed and still” - Rumi
The most common complaint, the most widespread mental human condition - Boredom (&loneliness)! How can you ever be bored? There is dynamic life everywhere! Your ego is the only thing that can ever be bored. Because by nature the ego is always chasing the “next” thing, looking for fulfillment “outside”. Nothing is ever enough... more - more and more! Trapped in the illusion of time - the ego is always ceaselessly swinging between the past and the future. Your mind is always racing, worrying, planning, doubting and the worst of all - getting bored! But when you make the conscious shift to live from the place of your spirit - you know that “this” moment is all there is! So whatever you do - you do it with awareness - with a 100% of your attention & commitment! “Non-doing” becomes equally important and joyous as”Doing”. Just “Being” still can be extremely rewarding and entertaining! When you start observing life with an internal awareness - you wake up to everyday magic! When you align yourself with your spirit - you live on purpose - you let a higher energy flow through you that makes all things possible - without much effort! There is so much to do, to share, to experience, to learn, grow and evolve in a lifetime - and all of this coupled with the constant feeling of connection to all life - just makes the whole ride even more exciting and worth while! So take a moment to re-connect - with yourself and your surroundings! I guarantee, you will never be bored or frustrated again - There are NO Ordinary moments - and boredom like most other things is just an illusion!
Aham Brahmasmi - a Sanskrit Mantra that translates to “I AM Totality!”
Boredom and Loneliness - a condition that plagues all human beings. With 6.7 billion people on our planet - how can anyone be Lonely? Or Bored? The answer actually is quite simple and obvious - the human EGO - the illusion of separation! Our egos make us believe on a conscious level that we as individuals are separate from the rest - we are unique, we are different, we have our own personal life agendas going on - and if things dont go as we plan then all hell breaks loose and its all so unfair! On a more sub-conscious level our egos inflict us with the beliefs of unworthiness, of doubt, of separation, of disconnect - it builds invisible walls around us! And most of us don’t know how to get out of this? Again - its all very simple - we believe we are all chained down with limits - when in actuality we are all free - always have been - always will be. We believe we are born - we live and then we die - in actuality - you take on a human body like a costume for a while to enjoy some time on earth - to express yourself - You are eternal spirit - consciousness that is never born and will never die. We believe we are our egos, our minds - we identify ourselves with everything - get attached to fleeting things - in actuality your personality, your thoughts, everything you accumulate mentally, emotionally, or the “stuff” in your bank - its all just layers - that you will discard like a snake skin when you leave this life! So what do we do now? Make the shift from your ego to your spirit - from the unreal to real! Recognize that we are ALL connected - just like the same electricity runs through all the gadgets & appliances in your house! The same spirit - divine source runs through us all - we are only separated by our egos. Reach out and make that connection with whom so ever you interact with. Share your “being” your time, your smiles, your kindness, your knowledge, your care with everyone. The only real purpose you can ever have in this lifetime is to “Serve” and connect with your fellow human beings! To influence, to reach out, to help and improve the quality of life of the people that come your way! To make someone else happy even if its just for a moment! Its the only way you will know real happiness yourself that is grounded deep within your core - an unshakable happiness - unreasonable happiness! And finally - the only thing that matters when you leave your body - is not how much you achieved or accumulated in your life - but how much you grew and evolved in your consciousness and how much you helped others do the same! So live well - live now - make the most of it - you are not alone - never have been - and never will be!
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