The emptiness of Being Empty ....
The fullness of Being Full...
Its just "Being" after all....
Always the beginning and also always the end...
There is no middle in it really....
just the feeling of a passing wave....
how long does a wave last?
a few seconds in time...
and yet nothing in eternity....
If time is a speck in the eternal...
and the past doesnt exist.... neither does the future...
the present is an illusion in itself....
for the sense of time is only in the mind.
Then what do you plan for?
and where are you headed?
You're on the road that leads no where...
and yet its paved with your sweat.
Stop for a moment... stay still for a while...
Who is the you.... thats living your life?
What are your thoughts & where is the thinking?
What is this searching? when its all already inside?
Lost are we all in in the web of layers....
one deeper than the next....
and yet we think we roam freely...
only to be in the prison of the self.
Drop your guns and your tools....
what use is it in a dream?
there is no you while you sleep....
when you awake... there was never a dream.
What do you wish to accomplish today?
Nothing is necessary....
You live like you are here forever...
when you leave its like you're life had never been...
So stop now...and witness the play...
dont you see the magic everywhere?
It blinds you in the day and restores you at night....
None of this is you.... you have always known that in plain sight.
Be as You are... its the only way to be.
Everything you thought of ... will cease to be....
Watch now... the world will pass you by...
while you smile and you laugh....
Wipe the tears of the ones who cry...
Lift up the ones who fall....
It is only you now....
Who has the strength for it all.
You were never lost and so you cannot be found....
You own the nameless name....
In forever you abound.
"Aham Brahmasmi" - I AM Totality.
be as you are, nothing more, nothing less....from a Michael Franti song as so true for my existence!
Isness can mean just as you are: a sinner. Not empty, not full.
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