To Some - Eating and Enjoying their meals is guaranteed.
To others receiving even one meal is a Miracle.
To some - having a nice comfortable home is natural.
To others having a roof, sometimes on a cold rainy day is a Miracle.
To some - wearing beautiful clothes is taken for granted.
To others having a small wrap to uphold their dignity is a Miracle.
So what is a Miracle?
Ask yourselves - Am I Fortunate?
Each One of You today are surrounded by innumerable Miracles,
The Miracle of Life, The Miracle of Being surrounded by God.
All that You have today is a Miracle.
Whatever you are blessed with...
Remember there is someone out there deprived of those same blessings.
Be Grateful! Be Thankful! Be Content!
Be Generous! Be Compassionate! Be Helpful!
Do not complain like a broken record...
Each one of you are blessed...with a special gift of Love.
Find your gift, unwrap it - treasure it.
- Satya Sai Baba.
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